Best Website Design & Development Agency in Kanpur, Technical Yatra

Digital MarketingWe design your desire websites and content strategies with Search Engine Optimization in mind to help your visitors find your site and return. Great content will intrigue, entertain, and inform—all while building your brand and giving users what they want. How a user feels about and perceives your website is critical to generating leads and gaining sales, because your website is a direct representative of your company. Our custom design websites aim to generates better customer traffic and improved user interface that leads to increased conversions.


Digital Marketing AgencyThe internet has also revolutionized the examination system by enabling students and other examinees to give an exam online, being monitored by a webcam. Every one of these services has a layout, an appearance online that helps with the identification of the service and ensures ease of access. Web design and development is an important part of maintaining an online forum or a website or a webpage of any kind. Web design is a service required by every company right now and is in extremely high demand. Web design includes taking the mission and vision of the company and portraying it on a web page. Development is also key as content keeps on updating and the site moderators need to keep their page up to date with changing times.

Digital Marketing Agency


The internet is a huge platform containing a lot of information and instructions on how to do things or how not to do things. The web is responsible for most of our activities nowadays. Colleges and offices have web portals that help with attendance and maintaining a routine. There are online wallets nowadays that has made the currency simpler bringing in the concept of e-commerce. People can pay just from their phones now. 


Web designing is a technique of designing websites online. It is a Front-end process. Web design is directly linked to visual aspect of a website.

Adequate and effective web design is required to communicate ideas efficiently. It circumscribes many different skills, which includes, web graphics design, User Interface design (UI design) ; authoring, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ,et cetera.

It is usually based on the user experience aspects of website development rather than software develpment. So in a simple way we can say that the technique of planning, conceptualizing , and changing content online is referred to as WEB DESIGN. A web developer works on the visuals, layout and in some cases content of a website.

Web designer use different designing tools such as Adobe Photoshop to create the layout and other visual elements of the website.

Web design used to be focussed on designing websites for desktop browsers but since mid 2010s ,it also includes web apps, mobile apps and User Interface Design. The two common designing methods that works well with both on desktop and mobile are Responsive and Adaptive . In responsive design, content is Dynamic, that is, the content moves dynamically depending on the screen size. Whereas, in adaptive design, the content remains static, that is, content is fixed in layout sizes that matches common screen sizes.


Creating, Building and Maintaining websites for internet/intranet is defined as Web Development. It is a Back-end process. It is a technique to make a website look creative and effective, work fast and function well with a coherent user experience.

Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses and social network services.

Web developers use different coding languages, including HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP , et cetera, as per the requirements. But it also include all related development tasks such as client-side scripting , server side scripting, server and network security configuration , E-Commerce development and Content Management System Development (CMS).

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